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Wipe the slate clean


According Webster’s dictionary the phrase” wipe the slate clean” means to forgive or forget past faults or offenses; make a fresh start. Last week I was at work and I was preparing to conduct a poetry and therapy group I went to erase the board in order to write on it and the eraser was not able to remove all the writings from the board leaving a residue making it difficult for me write on it.

At the job we have these wet wipes made just for cleaning the board I used the wipes and began to wash the board clean. Then I tried to write on the board, however the board was too wet for me write on it. Therefore, I had to use a paper towel to dry the board off and afterwards, I recalled me saying wow this board is very clean and makes it easier for me to write on it. That Wednesday I was at the synagogue celebrating Yom Kippur which is the

Day of Atonement and while in service the Ruach Ha-Kodesh brought back to my remembrance, when I was at work washing off the board. He spoke this to my spirit. As I tried to use the eraser to clean the board it’s the same way as when we tried to remove our sins within our own strength; it will always leave a residue. However, when I used the wet wipes and washed the board clean it did not leave any writings behind. This demonstrates how Jesus’s (Yeshua’s) blood is the only atonement for washing our sins away. As believers in Yeshua we are privileged enough to have forgiveness for our sins and The Holy Scriptures tells us that if we confess our sins; He is faithful to forgive us and cleanses us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9 “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” This is promise given to us by The Adonai that our slate has been clean and we can start again. I encouraged you not to try to remove your own sins however, confess them to The Adonai and put your faith in Yeshua Hamashiach to give you a new beginning. The beautiful part about The Adonai is that when He forgives, He forgets. Hebrew 8:12 12 For I will be merciful toward their iniquities, and I will remember their sins no more.”

Shabbat Shalom,




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