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How clearly do you shema/ hear?


"15 He who has ears to hear, let him hear".


Baruch HaShem B’Shem Yeshua Hamashiach,

My husband is an early riser; He wakes up about 5:30 in the morning to listen to the news. This particular morning, he woke up before me, turned the news on, and I woke up too. Even though the TV was on, my husband had it turned down low because I was still trying to sleep. But what was amazing I began to hear the chirping of birds singing outside of our bedroom window. It was so peaceful to listen to that I started falling back to sleep. I told my husband how calm it sounds to hear the birds chirping in the morning. Some time has passed, and I no longer heard the birds chirping. I woke up again and said Hun, where did the birds go? He replied, they are still here; listen very closely; you can hear them. I had to pay close attention to listen to them and began hear them in a distance. Since they moved further away, my husband said you can't hear them as clearly as before.

HaShem spoke to my spirit and said to me how clearly you hear my voice will depend on how close you are to me. And how far away you are to me, my voice will become weaker. The illustration was in the birds chirping. When the birds were next to my bedroom window, I heard them clearly without any struggle. However, when they moved further away, I still heard them chirp, but it took more effort, and their chirp became distant. They were chirping, but I could not hear them as clearly. HaShem is speaking, but are we hearing Him clearly? Are we close enough to Him to hear Him clearly? have we move far away that we hear Him in the distance.

I'm reminded of a scripture Matthew 11:15 "15 He who has ears to hear, let him hear". We have a natural ear but also a spiritual ear. It took my natural ear to hear the birds chirp. However, I needed my spiritual ear to listen to the Ruach Ha-Kodesh/ Holy Spirit to speak to me, concerning the birds. What ear is Yeshua referring to? It takes our natural ear to listen but our spiritual ear to obey what we have heard. If the ear listens, the heart willingly submits, but often the spiritual ear is "hardened" Act 28:27. We are living in a time where some people have allowed HaShem's voice to go weak. They can hear naturally but not able to hear spiritually. The saying "He that hath ears to hear let him hear" is frequent in the Brit Chadasha/ New Testament, occurring 7 or 8 times: Mt 11:15; Mt 13:9,43; Mr 4:9,23 (No Author, 5 May 2003).

In closing, I'm assuming Adoni really wanted us to understand the importance of hearing Him. To listen to Him is to obey Him. I encouraged you to know how you are hearing. Is there waxed in your ears, or are you sensitive to His voice? Just as I thought, the birds left because I could not hear them. I encourage you to Know Adoni is still here and waiting for you to pay close attention so that you can listen to his voice. The closer you are, the clearer you can hear.

Shabbat Shalom Mishpochah And Chaverim,

Your Achoti/Sister


No Author, . (5 May, 2003). Ear - International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia. Retrieved from



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