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"Turning The Old Into The New"


2Peter 3:13 “Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness”.


Shabbat Shalom Mishpochah And Chaverim

Happy New Year Everyone.

Every New Year, I have a tradition where I go through all my paperwork, closets, and other items that I have collected over the years and discard things I no longer need or want. This is my way of making room for what the next 12 months have to offer me. While going through some old papers, I saw some old poems and songs I written in the early 2000s. I did say to myself in 2021; I would like to finish writing my book of poetry. As I continued to go through my poems, I heard in my spirit "turning the old into the New" As I looked at my old poems, I saw how I could upgrade them where they could be more relevant. Why upgrade? I have matured since I wrote these poems over a decade ago. Therefore, to upgrade an old poem, I have to rewrite the language showing my development as a writer and poet. The theme will stay the same, and maybe the structure, but must improve the content. Some poems were written in 2003, never published or shared with anyone. Much has changed since 2003, so if I publish the poetry in 2021 using the same language as 2003, it will not be relevant to the reader; the language and content have to fit within publication time. I'm using the same process with my poetry book that I'm working on right now. The book idea came to me in 2000, and the poems are poems saved from my childhood. The themes are the same, but I had to upgrade the poems to be relevant to the reader but still keeping the authenticity of the message.

This concept does not only apply to my poems but other areas in my life, such as ideas, relationships, careers, finance, etc. I am taking something old and allowing HaShem to bring something new out of it. Maybe you have an old idea, an old friend you need to reach out to; maybe your marriage needs spices up, perhaps you need a career change, maybe you need to get your finance in order and change how you view money, and maybe home repairs. Everything doesn't need to be thrown away, just updated. Whenever I'm re-organizing, I have a pile for things I'm keeping or throwing away. Make sure you save and throw away the right items. I have been guilty of throwing away things that I needed later, and on the other hand, holding stuff we don't need, and becoming a hoarder is not good either.

In closing, thinking about "turning the old into the New," a scripture that comes to mind is 2Peter 3:13 "Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness." This is the ultimate new beginning as believers we are waiting for. When Yeshua returns to earth, he makes all things new and old will pass away. However, turning the old into the new is an everyday process that will live every day. We don't have to wait for NEW Year or for Him to return every day can look towards Him to renew our mind, soul, and spirit. I encourage us not to let us get old in Him but to stay New in Him. Revisited those old things and see if something new can come out of it. And with that being so getting ready for something new.

Shabbat Shalom,

Your Achoti/Sister




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