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The Process of Death


1Co 15:31 “I protest by your rejoicing which I have in Hamashiach Yeshua Our Adoni, I die daily”


Shabbat Shalom Baruch Ata/ Happy Sabbath and Bless The Name

My husband and was introduced to another couple from our current friends. My husband talked with the husband on the phone and they instantly connected. They were both surprised to find out how much they have in common. The following day we all decided to meet up and grab something to eat. While waiting for our food we began to talk about spiritual matters and how they pertain to us as believers in Yeshua. I forgot how but, somehow we on got on the subject about dying to flesh and living according to His will and not our own. As we continue to discuss this topic the Lord dropped in my spirit “The process of death”.

I was then reminded of the scripture that said; 1Co 15:31 “I protest by your rejoicing which I have in Hamashiach Yeshua Our Adoni, I die daily” I began to wonder what does the body go through when someone passes away. I did some research and found out that minutes after a person dies, the body begins the decomposition process. What exactly does this mean? It means the body begins the process of rotting; decay. There are three main areas where the deceased’s body goes through when it begins the decomposition process. One is Livor, this is when a deceased person’s body becomes very pale, soon after death. This is due to the loss of blood circulation as the heart stops beating. Secondly is the rigor, the body becomes stiff and completely unpliable, as all the muscles tense due to changes that occur in them at a cellular level. Lastly, we have Algor mortis, which occurs when the body goes cold as it “ceases to regulate its internal temperature.

In comparison to the natural death process, we as believers also have to go through a process of death to follow Yeshua. (Luke 9:23) reminds us that we have to pick up our cross daily to follow Him. The Cross represents death; during biblical times, the cross was the worse death anyone can have. The cross was considered a torture tool introduced by the Romans to threaten those who would speak against Caesar. The cross was a public humiliation that always represented death. When Paul said “I die daily” every day he was willing to put his life in danger to preach the gospel. He was willing to die to his selfish desire and follow Yeshua even unto death. He counted his life as no value or precious to himself. His only concern was to finish his course and to testify to the gospel of Adoni’s grace (Acts 20:24)

To some death is topic people do not like to speak about. However, as humans, we cannot escape the death process. The good news though for those who are in Christ Jesus we do not die we sleep until the resurrection (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18).

In closing, I like to encourage you as believers in Yeshua to humbly be willing to die daily. To reign with Him, we have to die with Him (2 Timothy 2:12). Let us say “I die daily.” Apostle Paul as many other examples was sold out to Adoni. A dead man is no longer distracted by what the world has to offer. Why because he is dead. Same for us; as we died to Sin, the flesh, and what this world has to offer we are capable of resisting temptation because a dead person has no personal motives. “You have died with Hamashiach Yeshua, and he has set you free from the spiritual powers of this world” (Colossians 2:20). You may not be fully dead but remember dying is a process. Just be willing to endure the process. The natural man has to decay for the spirit to live.

Shabbat Shalom,

Your sister/ Achot


Smith, C. (1 Jun, 2005). C2000 Series on 1 Corinthians 15-16 by Chuck Smith. Retrieved from

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