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The Great Graduation


Throughout the week I have been asking The ( Adoni) what should I write for this week’s devotion? On Saturday I woke up around 5am from an awesome dream. I woke up singing the lyrics to a song that goes like; (Gloried Glorified There’s A Trumpets Cry Out For Me). In the dream I heard a man’s voice telling me and others that only a few will make it in. The man also told us that if you here a sound or scanner on your phone you know you are the few who made it in. In the dream I felt grieved because there were some people I had to leave behind. I was in the bathroom and heard the sound on my phone so I knew that I was one of the few. As I transitioned from the bathroom to outside my clothes were changed. I saw people standing around in a circle spread out from each other looking towards the sky. I also saw a horse running in the clouds, still waters, and a crystal clear blue sky. As I walked closer to the man whose voice I heard in the dream I fell to my knees and started crying. While on my knees we started singing the song I mentioned above. While on my knees crying it felt similar to a graduation ceremony because I was given flowers and so were others.

As I was waking up I was singing the song and I recorded it on my cell phone. I pondered on the dream and ( Adoni) spoke to me the great graduation. I began looking up scriptures pertaining to the sound of shofar. One scripture in particular got my attention (Matthew 24: 31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a shofar, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other). In the dream I heard a voice say only a few will hear the sound and you will know if you are part of the few.

This month as we prepare to celebrate (Yom Teruha and Yom Kippur) which are HaShem’s Moadem’s/ The Appointed Times. When I think about a graduation celebration it is passing from one level to the next. In the (Brit Hadassah)/New Testament only those who endured until the end shall be saved (Matthew 24:13). Many will start out with you but will not graduate to the final level which is inheriting eternal life. Many are called but only a few are chosen (Matthew 22:14). Only a few will hear the Shofar when the Lord comes to gather His elect and I think about a high school or college graduation. In most schools there are thousands of students who enrolled however, how many of them actually graduate? The Lord is saying don’t be surprise of how many start out with you the but only a few will make it in. Many have started with me but, only a few will reign with me (2 Timothy 2:12) If we suffer, we shall also reign with him: if we deny him, he also will deny us).

I pray you are like me and look forward to the day that the Lord say’s my good and faithful servant well done. Side bar; As I was typing the devotion my computer froze before I got a chance to save the document and I tried to recover the document but, it was unsuccessful. I began to feel frustrated for having to retype it. The Lord spoke to me and said this is how I feel when I lose a soul. I go through great lengths to recover them and still some will not be saved.

Shabbat Shalom,




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