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The Good Samaritan


Updated: May 23, 2020

Luke 10:33 “But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him”,

Last weekend my husband and I stayed over our friend’s house. While driving home we saw a man who appeared to be distress. He was laid down on the ground and was unable to get up. Another man was with him attending to his needs. My husband wanted us to stop to see if he could offer some assistance. We witnessed the man that was with him, go into his car and give the man his coat and some money. Sometime later two ladies also stopped to see if they could help. Then the ambulance came to see what was wrong. As the first responders tried to get the man to share what was wrong. He told everyone that he was just released out of the hospital for substance abuse. With the assistance of first responders, the man was capable of getting up and began to walk off.

Before leaving my husband was led to give the man who was there before everyone else an encouraging word. The man began to cry and shared how he was on way to fellowship and had to stop to help. While driving home we wondered how many cars continued to pass by before someone decided to stop to help. In today’s world, so many people are concern about themselves and are very selfish either they do not care or forgot how The Adoni expects us to act as a Good Samaritan.

I was reminded about the parable Yeshua taught about the Good Samaritan. What is a Samaritan? "A charitable or helpful person. A member of a people inhabiting Samaria in biblical times, or of the modern community in the region of Nablus claiming descent from them, adhering to a form of Judaism accepting only its own ancient version of the Pentateuch as Scripture". A Samaritan was a half jew and full jews felt they were better than them. Jews during those times felt they were above certain people especially those who were not a priest. According to the scripture, Yeshua was answering the question “who is your neighbor.” To answer that question he shared a parable about how a certain man traveled from Jerusalem to Jericho and was robbed and left for dead. While lying there a priest, a Levite passed the man and care not to help. But a certain Samaritan saw the man and had compassion on him. But he took a step further than just having compassion. He cared for his wounds, found him a place to stay, and offered to pay the bill. I’ll be honest this is easy for me to do for someone I know. But a stranger I haven’t had the opportunity to do so. I pray when the chance comes I’ll do the right thing.

Our neighbor is not just someone who lives next door, family, friends, or someone we know. But anyone we see who is in need. Yeshua asked them so who do you think was the neighbor. Was it the priest, the Levite; no the one who stopped. Then He told them to go and do likewise.

In closing, I encouraged you that the next time you have an opportunity to act as a Good Samaritan. I compel you to do so cause you never when it’s your turn. The Scripture tells us that we should let our light shine before men so they will see our good works and give glory to our ( Shamayim Aba) Heavenly Father (Matthew 5:16). (Self-examination time) When was the last time you went out of your way and inconvenience yourself for someone else? I know someone who did that and He is (Melik Yeshua Hamashiach) King Jesus The Christ.

Shabbat Shalom,

Your sister, Shakina



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