Ephesians 4:14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;
Baruch Atah Adonai Eloheinu, Melech Ha Olam/Blessed are you O Adonai, our G-D, King of the Universe. Shabbat Shalom Mishcopa/Happy Shabbat family,

This week my co-worker and I were talking about our hair dues; we both have locs. She began sharing with me how she got her hair curly. I mentioned to her how I might try the hairstyle over the weekend. She said to me you like to change your hair a lot. Do you think you might take out your locs? I told her no, this is it for me. I'm in a stage in my life where I know what I want and how I want my hair to be. "This is it, no changing," I said to her. Later this week, I thought about how my hair always represented a stage in my life. I went from a Jheri curl, shaved hair, dye, pressed, and curl and afro puff to now my locs.
I thought about how hair is mentioned throughout the Bible to represent someone's dedication to Adonai. For example, the women who anointed Yeshua's feet with her hair (John 12:3). And According to 1Co 11:15, her hair was her glory. Therefore she took her glory and honored the Lord with it. As I mentioned, my different hairstyles always represented a stage in my life. When I think about the process, I had to go through for my locs to lock in place. I recalled my hairdresser telling me that I have to be patient. I couldn't wait until my hair grew long enough where I can do different styles.
There are four stages to locking your hair. Stage 1 the beginning; 2. Baby locs/budding; your Locs will begin to bud (tangle or clump into knots.). Stage 3: Teenage Stage, A the locs are very light in weight (as the budding continues throughout the loc. Stage 4: Mature Loc, the mature loc Stage is just as exciting as the teenage stage, but this excitement is different. Your locs have to mature. Your locs are heavier. The reason for the density change in the loc is the budding process is close to completion. Stage 5, Beyond Mature After year 2, all your locs will grow to the same length. Another indication that your locs are beyond mature is the feel of the loc. It is firm throughout and contains no frizz. This stage proves to be the magic seal for your loc ends, relaying that your antenna has finally formed.
Loc stages remind me of the different stages we go through in our walk with the Lord. And hopefully, we get to the point of maturing in our walk; we are locked in place. There is no doubt about who we serve, we are no longer babes drinking the milk, but now we are eating meat. Hair is vital to the Lord, and I believe the way we style our hair reflects our relationship with the Lord.
Regarding the connection with locs to the Bible, I came across Numbers 6:1-21 (KJV) in this chapter of the book, G-d speaks to Moses and directs him to say to Israel. A message to G-d's people as an offer for anyone to separate or remove themselves to a vow of Naziyr.
The Nazirite vow was taken by Hebrews that voluntarily separate themselves and five of themselves into G-d. The Hebrew word nazir means "to be separated or consecrated" This word and vow indicate that you freely desire to vow to separate yourself and make yourself holy to G-d.
In closing, I encouraged you all to ensure your relationship with Adonia is locked in place. There is no wavering and doubting and wondered if there is a God or not. Everything in life has a process of maturing. It starts from infant to becoming full grown. However, there will be a problem if we stop growing and become stuck in developing into our full potential. Unfortunately, many are stuck in their relationship with the Lord and became comfortable there. But we have to remember growing is not always easy.
Shabbat Shalom
Your Achoti/Sister
Smith, W. (14 Dec, 2010). Hair - Smith's Bible Dictionary. Retrieved from https://www.blueletterbible.org/search/dictionary/viewtopic.cfm