Leviticus 23:23–25
23 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, 24 “Speak to the people of Israel, saying, In lthe seventh month, on the first day of the month, you shall observe a day of solemn rest, ma memorial proclaimed with blast of trumpets, a holy convocation. 25 You shall not do any ordinary work, and you shall present a food offering to the Lord.”

As a Messianic believer in Yeshua, this is our New Year. And speaking of the New Year, I'm excited for things to get better as we prepare for the resurrection when we are taken up in the air to meet our Savior. We can tell by the times we are living in the last hours. His return is soon upon us. However, as we patiently wait for Him to return, we still have to be about our Father's business.
I wrote about having a purpose and doing what He created for you to do in previous devotions. Early this week, while driving home from work, a new song came to my spirit. The lyrics are "praises to the Most High G-D , Yeshua lives inside. He regins for evermore and all who beliieve workship and adore." Something like that. But I say to show that He is doing something new in all that believe in Him. He puts a new song in our hearts, vision in our spirit, and comforting us through these trying times.
This week I shared with my patients how they can find purpose in their lives. I instructed them to take a piece of paper and folded into three sides. On the right side, they wrote their gifts and abilities; on the left side, they wrote all the problems they see in the world that bothers them; and in the middle section, they wrote how they could use their gift to solves the problems. Then we discussed tips on finding your purpose, and as I was reading the material to them, the Lord confirmed my purpose in working with children and giving them a platform to express themself positively. I have been praying If opening up my theater school is what the Lord wants me to do. And when I was reading the article, the example they used was someone who likes theater opens up a theater school for children. Now, what are the odds of that? Out of all the articles I could have read, I read this one that used the same example of what I'm looking to do.
In closing, I encouraged you to seek your purpose in the Lord. There is something He created you to do and make a difference for His glory.
Your Sister/ Shakina
P.S this devotion was meant for Saturday.