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Get some rest.


Shabbat Shalom Mishpacha

Exo 20:8 “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy”

When my husband and I first purchased our home in 2013 we brought us a new bed and mattress. Over the years the mattress began to lose its comfortability and was not as comfortable as it was when we first brought it. As time went on I continued to complain about the mattress and how we needed a new one. I would wake up with back and hip pain and twist and turn throughout the night. Two weeks ago we decided enough was enough and it was time to get a new mattress. I went online and did my research about the different brands and ordered the one that best fits our needs. I didn’t stop there though I also wanted a mattress topper to provide additional support.

While waiting for our mattress to be delivered and I was so eager to see how well I would sleep on our new mattress. I kept saying “I can’t wait until our mattress gets here”. When it finally arrived I could not wait to go to bed that night and enjoy a good night's rest. The following day our mattress topper was delivered and I was more excited to sleep on it. The first night sleeping on our new mattress and mattress topper together. This was the best sleep I had in a long time and when I woke up I truly felt rested.

When I was researching what mattress to buy I came across many articles that talk about the importance of having a good mattress to support good sleeping habits. If you want quality and comfortability you have to be willing to pay for it. Our mattress was not cheap and I knew if I wanted the comfortability that I needed it was going to cost a pretty penny. However, I felt it was worth it. Investing in buying a quality mattress is investing in my health. When I woke up this morning, I thanked The Adoni for a good night's sleep. Sometimes we neglect the importance of rest. We work hard and never take time to enjoy a good night's sleep.

Having good sleep habits produces many benefits such as; reduce stress, improve your memory, lowers your blood pressure, helps your body to fight back, maintain your weight, and puts you in a better mood. Let’s take it a step further having a good night's sleep is important but also having a day to rest is also important. Image having one day out of the week you did nothing but rest and spent time with Yeshua. No dishes, cleaning, shopping, washing clothes, working, cooking, and so on; accept after sundown.

Well the good news is that The Lord created a day of rest for His people which is the Sabbath. He knew as humans we needed a day off to rest as He did and refocused our attention on Him. Most people work seven days a week and never taking time off for themselves to practice self- care. As a therapist, we were taught in school to practice self-care to prevent burn out. (Easton, 1996) “Sabbath was first mentioned as having been instituted in the Gan Eden/Garden of Eden, when man was in innocence (Gen 2:2)."The sabbath was made for man," as a day of rest and refreshment for the body and of blessing to the soul. Before I knew and obeyed the 4th Mitzvot/Commandment Exo 20:8 “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy” and started to keep the Sabbath, I barely took time off for myself. I was always doing something and then I would complain about how I never had time for myself.

In closing, I encourage you to rest in the Yeshua Hamashiach because He promises to give his beloved sleep (Psalm 127:2). Take advantage of the day He has given us to rest and that is on the Shabbat. According to the Kings James dictionary, Shabbat means A Rest; Cessation from Work (Exodus 20:9-10). Mark 2:27 KJV - 27 And he said unto them, The Shabbat was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath.

Shabbat Shalom,

Your Achot/Sister Shakina

Easton, M. (24 Jun, 1996). Sabbath - Easton's Bible Dictionary. Retrieved from

. (15 May, 2003). Sabbath - King James Dictionary. Retrieved from



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