John 16:21
A woman when she is in travail hath sorrow, because her hour is come: but as soon as she is delivered of the child, she remembereth no more the anguish, for joy that a man is born into the world.
About a week ago I dreamt that I was pregnant. In the dream, I recall telling my midwife that the baby was taking too long to come out. I was tired of being pregnant and wanted to have the baby on my terms. I asked if she could induce my labor so I can have the baby sooner. Her response was “No just let it happen naturally”. In the dream I felt frustrated with the idea of waiting and wanted to have the baby sooner; I was tired of being pregnant. The midwife encouraged me not to rush the pregnancy and be patient. When I awoke from the dream for a moment I thought I was pregnant. That’s how real the dream appeared to me. This is not the only dream I had about me being pregnant or having a baby. However, this was the first dream where I wanted to rush the process.
I do believe dreaming about giving birth, being pregnant, and seeing babies could mean something new in your life is being birthed. For example, a new career or job, business, relationships, spiritual, etc. I know The Adoni is birthing something new in my life but it seems as though I may be trying to rush it. After the dream, I continued to meditate on it and asked The Adoni for understanding. And this is what He showed me. I cannot rush the process. In simpler terms: “I cannot induce my spiritual labor by trying to make things happen on my terms”. What I have for you will happen naturally. Just like a woman having a baby the doctor encourages her to carry the baby to term. Only in special circumstances where a woman is advised to have her labor induce. The definition of inducing labor — is the stimulation of uterine contractions during pregnancy before labor begins on its own to achieve a vaginal birth. In other words, The Adoni was telling me that I cannot force things too happened sooner than what He wants. My time is close, my due date is near but I cannot take the chance of having a premature birth by rushing the process.
Compared to giving birth today to the woman during the Bible times. They were not fortunate enough to have the option to modern advantages to ease the discomfort of having a baby. Women put their lives on the line to bring a child into this world. They did not have the option of inducing their labor. According to the Easton's Bible Dictionary (Easton, 1996), the Scriptures show us how The Adoni compared a woman having birth to how we have seasons of travil and seasons of joy.
In closing, I encouraged you to endure your season of travil and allow The Adoni as your midwife to guide you in your birthing process. Your due date is close so hang in there and do not rush the process let it happen naturally.
Shabbat Shalom
Your sister Shakina
Easton, M. (24 Jun, 1996). Birth - Easton's Bible Dictionary. Retrieved from https://www.blueletterbible.org/search/dictionary/viewtopic.cfm