1Peter 5:7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.
Shabbat Shalom Mishpochah And Chaverim

On Wed, my husband and I was the victim of fraud. The person called claiming to be from eBay, and there was able to hack into our accounts and stole money from us (short version of the story). Before we realized what was happening, it was too late. I begin to cried and scream, yelling, asking why this happen to us. For the remainder of the week, I felt sick to my stomach every time I thought about how I let this person take money from me. Yeah, I blamed myself. I rehearsed over and over again, how I could have done something to prevent it from happening. I'm currently working with the bank now to recover my money.
This morning I woke up and laid before HaShem, repenting to Him for not trusting Him for working this situation out. I decided to stop being sick over this and entirely give it to Him. I asked Him to release this out of my soul and spirit and give me the peace I need to move forward. I began to war over my identity, finance, and any future fraud attempts.
While praying, a thought came to me, "If I have nothing I have you." I was reminded that my lively hood is not in my money but the Yeshua. I was also reminded that we were never promised that trails would not come. Just the opposite, when trials come, we have endured, and He will see us through it. A scripture that comes to mind is 1Peter 5:7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. I know He cares for me, and this will work out for my good. What hurt the most is that you work so hard, and someone comes along and takes from you. You questioned why people are allowed to get away with this. But I realized they are not getting away revenge is mines Romans 12:19. Whatever way HaShem chooses to repay, it is out of my hand. In general, when you cast something, it's to throw.
I'm doing much better today. I can tell that I gave over to HaShem, and He will see me through this. I trust in Him to repay what was lost and provide protection over my identity.
In closing, please continue to keep me in prayer, and I will do the same. That when trials come, we will not run from HaShem but run closer to Him.
Shabbat Shalom,
Your Achoti/Sister