Philippians 4:11 “Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content”.
Shabbat Shalom Mishpochah And Chaverim
Two weeks ago, I finished

my acting classes. I was so excited that I shared my monologue with most of everyone I knew. My acting coach gave me great feedback and encouraged me to continue to grow as an inspiring actress. I began looking at different casting website to see what opportunities are out there. I looked on Facebook and saw others who were doing some local projects and reached out to them. I researched what I needed as an actress, such as; demo reel, headshot, and resume. While doing this, I started to get overwhelmed and began to lose sight of the other stuff I'm currently working on. Right now, I'm studying to take my state board exam to become a Licensed Professional Counselor. I know I need to complete this because I still desire to have my practice soon and pursue an acting career.
I felt myself self-trying to move ahead of HaShem, doing things in my own strength. Not waiting on His leading before I jump out there trying to connect to every opportunity. I tend to do this, seeing what I want and running after it without first stopping and seeking HaShem guidance. Also, I realized I don't have to wait for someone to give me an opportunity. Adonai has given me ideas for plays, skits, short films, and other creative ideas. When the season is right, and with the talent, He has given me, I will begin putting my work out there to glorify Him. As a creative person, you need an outlet; you cannot have all this locked up in you and not have a way of getting out. However, as a creative person, if you are not careful, you can try to do everything simultaneously and never complete anything. I have to be cautious about this.
After realizing this, the same night, while writing in my journal, I repented and wrote to Adonai, saying I will wait on you. I know an opportunity is out there just for me. But it is in His timing, and He will direct me on how to seek it out. I will not feel overwhelm and feel like I'm doing it in my own strength. While writing, I wrote, "Be Content but Move Forward." As I pondered on this statement, Adonai reminded me that I have to be content with where I'm at in my life. However, continue to move forward in pursuing my goals. Continue writing a book, acting, studying for the state boards, starting a business, etc. But while working on these, be content with what I have already accomplished in life so far.
While writing this, I thought of Erik Erikson, who developed eight psychosocial development stages, and the 7th one is generativity vs. stagnation. In this stage, 40-65, and you are either making your mark in the world and creating things or becoming stagnated or unproductive. Contentment does not mean you stop growing.
Our Biblical example of contentment was Apostle Paul when he said Philippians 4:11, "Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content." Content: To be free from care because of satisfaction with what is already one's own. The Hebrew means "to be pleased." The Greek brings out the word's full force in 1Ti 6:8; Heb 13:5. Contentment (1Ti 6:6) is more inward than satisfaction; the former is a habit or permanent state of mind; the latter has to do with some particular occurrence or object.
In closing, I encouraged you to be content with what you already have; however, continue to move forward and pursue those desires Adonai has placed in your heart.
Shabbat Shalom
Your Achoti/Sister
No Author, . (5 May, 2003). Content; Contentment - International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia. Retrieved from